Just Cause Fan Fiction Wiki

The Atel FT-535 Class is a freight locomotive in Just Cause Unity.


The Atel FT-535 is a small freight locomotive that is commonly seen going in and out of ports, airports and other places like that. These locomotive are common due to being so cheap and can sometimes be seen with military cargo such as tanks. It is a BoBo locomotive, meaning that it has two individual bogies that both have two axles. They can be seen with anything from 3-10 carriages.

Uses for the player[]

As the locomotive do not act like a normal vehicle, they are more a toy than a vehicle. One use for the trains is causing silly crashes by unhooking the carriages on a hill and then waiting for them to crash into another train. A more sensible use is vehicle transport, as even a 3-carriage one can carry up to 10 vehicles with the right layout.
